American Christian Soldiers recognizes that we are currently in a war for the spiritual makeup of our country. All religions are being diminished to be replaced by government. As in Ecclesiastes 3:8; There is an appointed time for everything - A time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace. Unfortunately we must accept that we are in a war, and in war you must fight. American Christian Soldiers was also inspired by the Knights of Templar. The Knights of Templar were started to protect the Christians on pilgrimage to Jerusalem who were being attacked by the Muslims along the way. The pilgrimagers needed protection from those wishing to do them harm. They had to fight back and they did fight back and they did win. This is the inspiration we need today. We all need to do our part and fight back!

"The Templar is the ultimate Defender of Justice & Truth"